I’ve been SOOO looking forward to this new season of The Walking Dead.
After the big cliff-hanger from last season (the killing of Sophia’s zombieness), and of course, the aggressive barn-opening that preceded her zombie killing — I couldn’t wait for the new season!
I don’t want to give away any spoilers.
So, I won’t discuss all the AWESOME action that transpired in this opening episode. But…
What do you think?
This original Zombie Art, by HouseofZombie.com uses a new technique I am working with that incorporates both digital photography and 3D rendering software.
Original Zombie Art, by HouseOfZombie.com All rights reserved.
When I originally found this photograph, I was very excited to turn this classic soldier photo into a scary, yet stoic, soldier zombie.
Here is the before and after.

The title may say it all: “Bashed by a Shovel”.
In this original Zombie Art, by HouseofZombe.com, I have taken a photo of my model and turned him into a scary zombie, who’s head has just been bashed in by a shovel.

When I photographed the model, I selected this seemingly benign shot to convert him into a zombie. The result was good — But, I wanted more.
What is an artist to do?
…How about bashing his head in with a shovel?
Yeah, that will work.
Here is the before and after photos:
All rights reserved: HouseOfZombie.com
I turned this beauty into a zombie using my favorite Zombie Art Techniques — I think I’m in love, yet again… (I’m glad Zombies aren’t the jealous type: I have a few zombie women in my “original zombie art” portfolio. They don’t know about each other, so either way, I’m safe.)
Original Zombie Art, by HouseOfZombie.com All rights reserved.
One of my favorite zombie women types, are those from the 50’s. Yep, that’s how I roll. Please meet my Pin Up Zombie, Elaine. I made this zombie art from a vintage photo of a 1950’s model.
Original Zombie Art, by HouseOfZombie.com All rights reserved.
Here is one of my first Zombie Pinup photos that I made. I love her. (Her name is Gretta.)
Original Zombie Art, by HouseOfZombie.com All rights reserved.
If you haven’t heard about the Zombieland, the movie…

get ready for a blood splattered treat!
zombie movie, great zombie movies - best zombie movie reviews by houseofzombie.com
Woody Harrelson stars as a bad ass who has mad zombie killin’ skillz in what looks to be a fun-filled zombie slaying romp.
Whoever wrote this movie must be a big fan of the Xbox 360 game Dead Rising, because the fun of this movie loks to be the glee they take in dispatching the undead in various ways. Shotguns, shovels, pianos, even amusement park rides, all become weapons of zombie destruction.
zombie movie, great zombie movies - best zombie movie reviews by houseofzombie.com
I am definitely looking forward to this movie, and am glad to see film makers having fun with the zombie genre once again.
I’m hoping they don’t screw up the plot with a convoluted “man vs. man in a zombie vs. man world” storyline, but I’ll be there to see this just for the hellacious slo-mo zombie chase shots. Zombieland will be released October 9, 2009.
My favorite ZombieLand Trailer is below…
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This original Zombie Art, by HouseofZombie.com uses a new technique I am working with that incorporates both digital photography and 3D rendering software.
An example of my new Zombie Art Technique. (my "lite" version of Zombie art)
When I originally took this photo, I didn’t expect much out of it, but I am very happy with the results if only for testing purposes.
Here is the before and after:
Before and After Photos of my new Zombie Art Technique
The skull was fully posed and rendered within the 3D software program and then incorporated into the original digital photography using Photoshop. This technique has opened the door to more opportunities in zombie art, and I am very excited about the possibilities it offers.
I sell this original artwork, framed, on ebay, quite a bit. It’s my most popular. What do you think?
Original Zombie Artwork, by HouseofZombie